WebGL environment

Equinox / The Gold Rush Challenge

Equinox Fitness wanted to promote their Premium Gold Membership – a membership you can’t sign up for but one you have to earn by proving your dedication to fitness and self-improvement. The creative answer from Wieden+Kennedy NYC: The Equinox Gold Rush Challenge. Behind that enigmatic name: Five actual Gold Membership Cards placed in locations from where they only could get retrieved by the truly driven fitness enthusiasts. Chained to the bottom of a lake in Montauk, deep in a gravel pit in Chelsea, on the top of a Manhattan building – to name just a few. The site was created to launch the challenge into the world and work as a challenge selector where people could sign up and find their location. To transfer the beautiful identity of the campaign into the digital space, the interactive environment was a carefully re-created 3D representation of Manhattan and surrounding boroughs that could be explored by users and that added to the mystery of the challenges that would pop up seemingly at random times, with only very limited sign-up periods. 

WebGL environment

WebGL environment

Equinox Goldrush